Summary Leased Equipment Schedule
The Summary Leased Equipment Schedule is one of two (2) templates provided by the Business Property Division of the Office of the Assessor-Recorder to assist lessors report equipment out on lease in the City and County of San Francisco.
Supplemental Affidavit for BOE-236, Housing – Lower-Income Households
BOE-236-ASection 236 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code provides that property used exclusively for providing housing for lower-income households can qualify for an exemption from property taxes.
Title Deed Request
A title deed shows ownership of the property executed between two parties: grantee and grantor. You can obtain a copy of your title deed by coming to our office or sending a written request along with a payment.
Transfer Tax Affidavit
The purpose of this form is to explain the nature of the transaction and to determine if the transfer is taxable.
Transfer Tax Affidavit (Chinese - 轉讓稅宣誓書) (For Reference Only)
The purpose of this form is to explain the nature of the transaction and to determine if the transfer is taxable. The Chinese version is for reference only. Please submit your transfer tax affidavit in English.
Transfer Tax Affidavit (Spanish - declaración jurada de impuesto sobre transmisiones) (For Reference Only)
The purpose of this form is to explain the nature of the transaction and to determine if the transfer is taxable. The Spanish version is for reference only. Please submit your transfer tax affidavit in English.
Transfer Tax Affidavit (Tagalog - salaysay sa buwis sa paglipat ng ari-arian) (For Reference Only)
The purpose of this form is to explain the nature of the transaction and to determine if the transfer is taxable. The Tagalog version is for reference only. Please submit your transfer tax affidavit in English.
Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Housing - Elderly or Handicapped Families
BOE-267-HAn affidavit required when seeking exemption on housing for elderly or handicapped families that is owned and operated by a nonprofit organization.
Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Housing-Lower Income Households
BOE-267-LAn affidavit required when seeking exemption for low-income housing that is owned and operated by a nonprofit organization.
Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Low-Income Housing Property of Limited Partnership
BOE-267-L1An affidavit required when seeking exemption for low-income housing that is owned and operated by a limited partnership.
Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Organizations and Persons Using Claimant's Real Property
Welfare Exemption Supplemental Affidavit, Rehabilitation - Living Quarters
BOE-267-RAn affidavit required when seeking exemption on property that involves rehabilitation of persons and/or living quarters.