As of Monday, April 29, the Office of the Assessor-Recorder has a new main office phone number, 628-652-8100. For the 12 months following this transition, constituents who call the Office’s prior phone number will automatically be transferred to our new line. As part of this transition, the Office is instituting key upgrades to improve the experience that San Franciscans have when calling us. To learn more, click here.
Leased Equipment Detail Report

The Leased Equipment Detail Report is one of two (2) templates provided by the Business Property Division of the Office of the Assessor-Recorder to assist lessors report equipment out on lease in the City and County of San Francisco. Lessors are required to report all leased equipment including leases to public utilities (which may or may not be assessed by the State Board of Equalization), leases to public schools and free museums, and leases to other educational or charitable institutions. This template (Leased Equipment Detail Report), lists the individual leases and other details.

As a reminder, please enter the total reported costs from the Summary Leased Equipment Schedule to Page 1, Part II Line 3 of your completed 571-L Business Personal Property Statement.

We ask that you email both the Summary Leased Equipment Schedule and the Leased Equipment Detailed Report as attachments to  If you have questions, please contact us at (415) 554-5531 or

Download Form

Last updated: 3/10/22