As of Monday, April 29, the Office of the Assessor-Recorder has a new main office phone number, 628-652-8100. For the 12 months following this transition, constituents who call the Office’s prior phone number will automatically be transferred to our new line. As part of this transition, the Office is instituting key upgrades to improve the experience that San Franciscans have when calling us. To learn more, click here.

For Immediate Release
Date:  Saturday, June 29, 2013
Contact:  Edward McCaffrey, (415) 554-5502


San Francisco, CA - On Saturday, June 29, at 9:00am, the doors of San Francisco City Hall opened and the Office of the Assessor-Recorder began recording marriage licenses again.  A day earlier, Kris Perry and Sandy Stier became the first couple to be married, which began the process of the County Clerk issuing same-sex marriage licenses. Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu had the distinction of signing the license and officially recording it as part of the public record.

Assessor-Recorder Chu said, “I am honored to serve as the Assessor-Recorder and take part in this historic occasion. Our office has resumed recording marriage licenses and will be open throughout the weekend to ensure that our city’s doors are no longer closed to the LGBT community.” City Hall will be opened throughout the weekend from 9:00am to 5:00pm on both Saturday, June 29, and Sunday, June 30. As of 1:00pm today, there have been 152 paid marriage licenses, 122 paid ceremonies, and 101 recorded licenses.

Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu added, “I am proud of my colleagues for the work that they are doing. We were fully prepared and ready for this moment.  With the help of other city departments and countless volunteers, same-sex couples are getting hitched, without a glitch.”

On Friday, June 28, the Ninth United States Circuit Court of Appeals lifted its September 2010 injunction that had previously blocked a federal judge’s ruling declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional.  The decision, which allowed for counties to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses, was met with same-sex couples arriving at City Hall to be married.  San Francisco is the only Bay Area county open this weekend for couples to marry.


Pub Date: 
Saturday, June 29, 2013

City Hall Office:
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place Room 190
San Francisco, CA 94102-4698
Tel: (415) 554-5596 Fax: (415) 554-7151